What are the best aspects of being a teacher?
Colleagues: I am so lucky to work with an amazing group of adults in my building, in my district, in my state. My PLN is full of the most supportive people on the planet. I never feel like I have to handle a problem in isolation. I can pop in to a classroom, send an email, hop on social media and SHAZAM, I have multiple possibilities to ponder. Teaching is physically and emotionally exhausting. But my colleagues take good care of me: They remind me to broaden my vision toward the forest when I get lost focusing on the trees. While my students inevitably move on toward the next phase, my colleagues remain. This journey would be so much harder if I had to do it alone.
Content: I love to read and write and speak and listen. The daily work of my classroom is one of joy. No matter what, every day I get to engage in the activities I love most, with a mostly enthusiastic learning community. Enthusiasm is infectious, so when I bring it with me to work, it spreads quickly among the masses. When students wander in looking for a good book , or ask if we can write "This I Believe" speeches again this year, or wave their hands to volunteer something they noticed in their reading, I think it's amazing someone pays me to do this work. (These are the moments I hold on to when I'm disheartened and feeling like I'm not getting paid near enough...)
Environment: A student once paid me a very high compliment when she said my room was like a sanctuary from the rest of her day. I know she meant mentally as well as physically, but seriously, look at this place. Who wouldn't want to hang out here for an hour? I love my classroom, and I work hard to make it an inviting place to work and learn. Together.
I'm tickled to be starting another blogging challenge with you! Your thoughts on "my favorite student" are mine exactly! I also shouted "Me too!" when I read your comment about getting paid to suggest books, share poems, love learning! And you reminded me of a perk I forgot to mention: I get to justify my Amazon Prime account!